Tips For Using Muster Point Signs Around Your Property


In the event of an emergency of any type at your place of business, you need to be confident in your employees' ability to vacate the premises and gather in one or more specific safe areas. These areas, known as "muster points," will allow authorities to quickly assess the number of people who vacated the building so that they can tailor their response accordingly. For a muster point to be effective, it needs the right type of outdoor signage. Here are some tips that you should keep in mind for using muster point signs around your property.

They Need To Be Visible

Above all else, a muster point sign needs to be highly visible; it will serve little purpose if people cannot see the sign and run toward it. Size is a key factor in making the sign visible. The exact measurements of the sign will depend on several criteria. For example, if the premises is large, you'll want larger signs because people will need to see them from farther away. Another detail that can increase a sign's visibility is its surface material. A reflective sign, in particular, is effective because it catches light and is therefore easy to spot.

The Message Needs To Be Clear

Don't underestimate the importance of using clear messaging in your muster point signs. Large wording that reads "MUSTER POINT" will allow people to identify this area. You should also think about messaging that people who do not speak English will be able to understand. Many types of signage use stick figure images, and you can take this approach with your muster point signs. For example, an image of a crowd of stick figures gathered together and a series of arrows pointing at the group will send a message that it's necessary to form a group in this area. Remember, a muster point sign isn't only for your employees. Visitors to your property will also need to head to this area in the event of an emergency, so it's important for them to understand the message of the sign.

You Should Have Multiple Signs

While a small property may be able to use just a single muster point sign, larger properties should have several of these signs. It's important to have each sign clearly feature a numeral to help identify it. In the case of an emergency, employees who talk to each other via phone call or text message can explain where they are by using the number that is displayed on the nearest sign. Learn more about outdoor signs today. 


28 October 2020

Putting Up Business Signs

After dealing with lagging sales for months, I knew that I had to change a few things about my business. I decided to evaluate my business as if I was a new customer, and I discovered that people probably couldn't see my business from the street. To solve the problem, I decided to invest in a brand new set of signs for the front of my building. Instead of using the older signs that I had been using for years, I invested in professionally-made, high-end signage that really showed off my place. The difference was amazing. Read this website to learn more about why signs are important for your company.